The Division of Fiscal Services provides leadership and guidance to the institutions and System Office of the Alabama Community College System for the effective and efficient use of available resources to accomplish the academic learning, adult education, and workforce training needs of the state.
The Division of Fiscal Services is responsible for fiscal research, resource analysis, fiscal planning, budgeting, monitoring, and financial management for the institutions of the Alabama Community College System and the System Office of the Alabama Community College System. The Division develops, manages, and directs the financial reporting system for the postsecondary education institutions and the System Office and provides technical assistance to the postsecondary education institutions and the System Office.
The Division of Fiscal Services provides guidance to the institutions of the Alabama Community College System in financial decisions and reporting under the auspices of the Board of Trustees, the Code of Alabama, and the Governmental Accounting Standards Board (GASB). The Division prepares the budget request for funding, allocates the funding received as mandated by the Legislature, collects and combines the institutions’ individual budgets based on the funding, and reviews and combines the financial statements at the end of the fiscal year for inclusion in the Comprehensive Annual Financial Report (CAFR) for the State of Alabama. The Division also is responsible for disseminating the financial information to interested parties, such as the State Board of Education (SBE), the Alabama Commission on Higher Education (ACHE), the State of Alabama Finance Department, the State of Alabama Comptroller’s Office, and others requesting financial information.
The Division is also responsible for preparing the budget request for funding for the System Office; preparing the operation plans for the funding received; overseeing the division level budgets; and reconciling with the Central Accounting System of the State of Alabama. Payroll and purchasing for the System Office are also handled by the Division. All transactions of the Division are made in compliance with Alabama Community College System Board of Trustee policies, the Code of Alabama, GASB, and all other applicable federal or state laws.
fiscal servicesBryan Helms
Sara Calhoun Brian Harrison Robin Head Cheryl Jarman Marilyn Johnson |
Erika Rhodes
Tina Johnson Barbara Jones Jacquelyn Lewis Billy Merrill Laurie Rhoads |
administrative services
Alabama Commission on Higher Education
U. S. Department of Education